Monday, June 11, 2007

Brighton Early

June 8-10 marked our first camping expedition of the year. There are literally dozens of nice, rustic campgrounds within a couple hours of our house. This weekend, we went to the Murray Lake Rustic Campground at Brighton Recreation Area. It was pretty awesome. We had some fires, got some mosquito bites, lit some fireworks and ate some vegan indian food for lunch.

Oh yeah, we also went on a two-mile hike through the woods. Levi walked every step of it and had a blast. We had been planning to carry him most of the way. Now that we know he's such a trooper, we're going to make him do it every weekend!

Also, animals ate our food. Ziploc bags do not count as "sealing" food. They got all of our buns and our muffins Friday night. Really, all that changed was that we ate more bacon for breakfast instead of muffins. Bummer.

2 comments: said...
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Green Giant said...

WOW you look like your my age levi how did you grow up so fast? -john