Monday, October 31, 2005

Erudite Animal?

Today, Levi and I were playing a silly game wherein we would go back and forth saying silly things in silly voices. At one point I said the pirate classic, "Arrr!" Levi responded with , "Arrr!" and then, in the same growly, piratey voice, "P!" and "S!" and then, in his regular sweet little boy voice, "tiger!"
Apparently, what I had meant to be a pirate came across as a tiger saying his letters.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

No, no, no

So now Levi is 2 and he is able to ask for things more and more readily and understandably when he wants them. And I find that I am saying no more than I ever expected to. Here is a transcript - more or less - from our 10 minute drive to pick up Daddy from the train station.

Levi: Crash car?
Mom: No, I'm not going to crash the car.
Levi: Crash schoolbus?
Mom: No, we can't crash into the schoolbus.
Levi: Crash cars?
Mom: No, we can't crash into those cars.
Levi: Crash schoolbus?
Mom: No, we can't crash into the schoolbus.
Levi: Go!
Mom: We can't go, the light is red.
Levi: Go!
Mom: We can't go, the light is red.
Levi: Crash car?
Mom: No, we can't crash the car.
Levi: Turtle Park?
Mom: No, we can't go to Turtle Park, we're going to get Daddy.
Levi: Slurpee? (as we pass 7-11)
Mom: That's right, they have Slurpees there.
Levi: Get Slurpee?
Mom: No, we can't get a Slurpee now, we're going to get Daddy.
Levi: Daddy!
Mom: Yes, there's Daddy!

The Onion is Inside Levi's Head

This is weird. I think this is exactly what Levi thinks....

Fire Truck! Fire Truck! Fire Truck!

Look, out the window! A fire truck! I've seen drawings of fire trucks in my picture books, of course, but how could I have ever known how pale and insignificant those crude representations were in comparison to the real thing! Fire truck! Oh, great God in heaven, fire truck! This has got to be the most moving of mankind's creations, and perhaps of nature's, as well.

This whirlwind of sensory input is almost more than my tiny mind can process! Mere words cannot begin to convey what I am feeling! This incredible, life-changing, soul-shattering wonder is... Why, it is beyond description!

Run! Run to the window as fast as your giant legs can carry you! Whatever you are doing right now, place it aside for a moment—it can't possibly be as important as the opportunity to see a fire truck with your own eyes.

This is quite possibly the greatest experience of my life thus far.

How do I even begin to describe its magnificence? First off, it is big—bigger than anything I could ever imagine! Secondly, it's painted an incredible, alarming, eye-catching red! Thirdly, it makes the most attention-grabbing sounds: whistles, bangs, gearshifts, bells. And that siren! Of all the noises, the siren is surely the best! I wonder if, somehow—but no, surely not—unless... Well, could I? Could I possibly? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... No, that's not right: It's high-pitched enough, but missing some crucial... OOOOOOOOOO... No, again, it's got the booming quality, but lacks the screechingly irritating aspect of the higher register. Wait! What if I combine the two, in an alternating series of high- and low-frequency modulations, and belt it out at the top of my lungs? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOO,EEEEEEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOO! That's it! That's the same noise that the fire truck is making! EEEEEEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOOOOO, EEEEEEEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOO! EEEEEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOOOOOO, EEEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOO! Oh, God. I could make this noise all day! I never want to do anything else!

And now—am I really seeing this? It can't be! Surely there are not colorfully dressed men with powerful bodies, brave expressions, and purposeful toolbelts hanging off the side of the fire truck as it careens around the corner! If this is a dream, let me never wake. Look at their hats! They have the most wonderful hats ever made! I must acquire a child-sized version of such a hat! They are the most large and most yellow hats I have ever seen.

That's it: My fate in this life is sealed. I must become one of these men. Nothing will ever sway me from this goal.

But what a spectacle it is! You must come and look upon this immediately! This fire truck is blowing my mind. It is as if God Himself has created this piece of machinery just for me! But it will not be here long. It is driving away. It grows quieter and quieter as it recedes from my visual field and...

It is gone. It was only here for one fleeting moment, and you never even saw it. This is the greatest tragedy that has ever occurred. My faith in the universe is shaken to its core by the magnitude of what you have missed. If only you had listened to me. You may never be able to comprehend my experience, for I have seen the fire truck, and I will never think about anything else again as long as I live.

Huh? What is... Why... Afgh! Airplane! Airplane! Mommy! Airplane! Don't bother with those towels! Don't you see? Look! There is an actual airplane in the sky!

Poetry Thursday


By Edna St. Vincent Millay

The railroad track is miles away,
And the day is loud with voices speaking,
Yet there isn't a train goes by all day
But I hear its whistle shrieking.

All night there isn't a train goes by,
Though the night is still for sleep and dreaming,
But I see its cinders red on the sky,
And hear its engine steaming.

My heart is warm with friends I make,
And better friends I'll not be knowing;
Yet there isn't a train I'd rather take,
No matter where it's going.

Hey baby!

So, Levi's cousins were down visiting from Rhode Island last weekend. He really had a great time playing with Xandra, and he's definitely been missing her since she left Tuesday morning. Anyway, I thought I'd recount a cute thing that happened while they were here.

We were eating dinner Sunday night. Xandra was sitting in Levi's high chair (she's 19 months) and Levi was sitting in a grown-up chair on a phone book. The gigantic 4-month old Samantha was sitting peacefully in her All of a sudden, Levi stands up on his chair, turns around and says "Baby, come on! Eating dinner, sandwich!" Which, roughly translated, means "Hey, baby, come here! We're all eating dinner and you can have a sandwich!" I guess that means we've instilled the fact that dinner is family time pretty well!

We'll try to write more about their visit soon, hopefully with some pictures...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Poetry Thursday X

Little Black Bug
Margaret Wise Brown

Little black bug,
Little black bug
Where have you been?
I've been under the rug,
Said little black bug.

Little green fly,
Little green fly,
Where have you been?
I've been way up high,
Said little green fly.

Little old mouse,
Little old mouse,
Where have you been?
I've been all through the house
Said little old mouse.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Levi saw the Doctor on Monday for his 2 year check up. He is doing well developmentally, but not so well growth wise. He gained no weight in the last month and has fallen below the 5th percentile. He is doing somewhat better in how much food he eats, but the weight issue is somewhat worrisome. Also though, keep in mind that these are small numbers we're dealing with as far as average growth, so the margin of error is quite significant. I am looking over the mini-record I keep and in the last year he has grown about 2.5 inches and gained about a pound. Which means that there are probably quite a few 1 year olds out there that are bigger than him. We are trying to meet with the doctor every month or so, so we'll keep you posted.