Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Well, it's been a long time since this blog got an update. It almost doesn't make sense to talk about what happened between the last post and now. Suffice to say that it was a wild, sad, joyful, exciting, scary, stressful, crazy six months.

So, now Levi lives in Michigan. He seems to be very fond of it so far. I think he might think that all states are about the size of DC though, because every time we drive more than 15 minutes he asks, "is this Michigan," as though he thinks we might have left the state all together. As for how Michigan actually is, well, it's dang cold. The town of Rochester is pretty nice though for a typical suburb. On the whole, things are going well. We'd post some pictures but we don't have a working digital camera anymore. The camera and battery have parted ways, it seems. Sorry.


Deanna said...

We miss you 'round these parts. :-( We think of you whenever we eat ketchup. (And lots of other times too!)

kate said...

Yes!! You are definitely missed. For one thing, there was way too much leftover Eucharist bread on Sunday. :( And way too few cute little kids running around.