Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Update on Levi's Medical Stuff

Sorry no cute pics this time. I just wanted to bring everyone up to date on what's going on with Levi's eating issues. First, he's doing well, happy and developing as he should.

At his last pediatrician's appointment, he was bigger than the previous one, so he is continuing to grow. At that appointment, our doctor referred us to Lynn Balzer-Martin. She lives in our area and is a contributer to The Out of Sync Child, which is the best book available on sensory integration dysfunction. Check it out at your library if you want to know more about where Levi's coming from.

We met with Dr. Balzer-Martin and she gave us two contacts. One a nutritionist in North Potomac to meet with two or three times to help cover ground that Levi is not getting nutritionally. Second, a speech language therapist in Bethesda that specializes in young children with sensory-related eating problems.

We met with the nutritionist. She was very kind and helpful. She looked at some blood tests we had done earlier. She checked off on a list the problems Levi has. She checked:
Anemia (iron)
Feeding Problems
Malnutrition (mild)
It was hard to see that malnutrition diagnosis written down like that, but the good news is that she will be able to help us fix these things. She prescribed a custom multi-vitamin that she designed, as well as additional iron. She also advised us to order an essential fat supplement that includes omega-3s. She also suggested juice plus fiber which is a fruit juice with added fiber. We've already started all the supplements except the fat, which hasn't come yet.

Today, Levi had his first session with Mandy, the therapist. They got on great and Levi had fun there. She observed him and asked me questions about him. They had a little snack time during which she handed him a piece of cereal (like a cornflake). He put it in his mouth, chewed it up and swallowed it. It was like some kind of miracle! It was all I could do to keep from crying or cheering or hugging him. She hadn't even done any therapy yet, she just told him that she was going to help him learn to eat. He tried another one and spit it out, but he still ate that one. That is the very first time that I have ever seen him eat that way. So I have very high hopes for the therapy. She also observed that she believes that much of his problem is due to oral-motor problems, and that his sensory issues are not as strong as we've been thinking. Which is good news, in that it is easier to work on. So, we are going to be doing tongue exercises and blowing on things and generally working to make those muscles stronger.

Levi continues to suffer from chronic constipation. I'm trying to get ahold of his pediatrician to come up with a better long term plan for treating it. I've found some information online. You can read about chronic constipation in kids due to withholding bowel movements here.

So, if you are a praying person, please pray that we will be able to relieve Levi's stress and pain due to bowel movements, that we will be able to provide the nutrients essential for energy and growth and that we will make steady progress with food at therapy.


Rebecca said...

So glad to hear answers to questions are coming together. Praying for continued growth and solutions.

Liz said...

I'm glad you're getting some good answers and some postive help. I never thought I be so happy to hear a little boy ate a corn flake! We're praying for you over here.