Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hey baby!

So, Levi's cousins were down visiting from Rhode Island last weekend. He really had a great time playing with Xandra, and he's definitely been missing her since she left Tuesday morning. Anyway, I thought I'd recount a cute thing that happened while they were here.

We were eating dinner Sunday night. Xandra was sitting in Levi's high chair (she's 19 months) and Levi was sitting in a grown-up chair on a phone book. The gigantic 4-month old Samantha was sitting peacefully in her All of a sudden, Levi stands up on his chair, turns around and says "Baby, come on! Eating dinner, sandwich!" Which, roughly translated, means "Hey, baby, come here! We're all eating dinner and you can have a sandwich!" I guess that means we've instilled the fact that dinner is family time pretty well!

We'll try to write more about their visit soon, hopefully with some pictures...

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